Articles on: Settings & configurations

Choosing navigation types

In the navigation environment, you can choose between different navigation types to use for navigation through publications. You can set navigation types for both slide and stack publications, in addition to (if purchased) the presenter apps.

To change the navigation type, edit your navigation environment settings via the pencil icon. Go to the navigation tab, select the publication type and then edit its navigation type.

Image: navigation menu settings in the navigation environment

From here, you can alter the navigation type, position the menu bar and enable extra navigation arrows.

Image: additional navigation menu options

There are six navigation types to choose from. Their styles are displayed below:

Classic interface (default)

Image: classing navigation menu

Page name menu interface

Image: page name navigation menu

Minimal interface menu

Image: minimal navigation menu

Text menu interface

Image: text navigation menu

Dots menu interface

Image: dots navigation menu

Stories menu interface

Image: stories navigation menu**

Adding additional environments

Through the subscription dashboard it’s possible to add extra environments. In case your organisation has multiple product labels, departments or countries that need to be separated from each other with different domain names, branding and navigation settings, you can add multiple environments. Click here for more information.

Updated on: 08/02/2023