Articles on: Presenter module

Getting started with the Maglr Presenter

Maglr Presenter is an additional module on top of our three available licenses. On our platform, designers and marketers have the option to create all sorts of publications. When there is a need to present one of those projects (offline), we offer the tools to share presentations that are always up-to-date in a simple way. 

Why organisations use Maglr presenter

To create better looking interactive presentations
Organisations that need a tool to share interactive content from a single source. Interactive content that is always updated, with no clutter of different versioned files on servers
It is a more modern way of presenting a story in an interactive and professional way
Presentations that can be viewed online via a browser
Sales employees can also access interactive presentations offline on different devices
Marketing can easily add content, perform updates and directly push this to all users that are using these presentations or shared pages
An online (personalised) version of the presentation can be shared afterwards with the client or audience
Insights in use (presentations but also the apps by employees)

What kind of presentation options do we offer?

Present offline on desktop (Windows & MacOs)
Present on tablet or smartphone (Android & iOs)
Present in a secure online environment

What is needed for the setup

The setup of the app depends on the type of organisation. Is there going to be just one global presentation that will be used for the whole organisation? Or do you need a sales tool containing multiple presentations, divided into different categories and where Sales also have the option to create custom presentations?

Read the documentation below or contact for help setting up the correct structure for your organisation.

Configure the category & right structure
Create new app users
Styling the presenter apps

What else is possible

Let users create custom presentations
Send push notification to users
Get insights with basic statistics

How can sales employees share a presentation

Send a link
Download a PDF version
Use the additional personalise & send module

Note: the Maglr Presenter apps are only available during the trial period. To update your license, go to the subscription page inside the dashboard or contact for more information.

Updated on: 08/02/2023