Articles on: General questions (f.a.q.)

Download your data

Content Ownership

Content uploaded to Maglr still remains the intellectual property of the user or client. As a user, you are using our Maglr platform to publish your (clients) content, only in a different format. In case a contract ends we can provide all content uploaded (original assets) in a ZIP file.

Download data

With a Pro license, it's always possible to extract published content. The published content can be downloaded as a static HTML-file, which you are free to use after the contract has ended. Uploaded content is always property of the client. The platform code (JS logic & dashboard) remains the intellectual property of Maglr. This option is only available for annual licenses.

Learn more how to download & export a publication in ZIP-format.

End of license

In case when an annual contract ends, we will enable the ZIP-export option for you, allowing you to download and host your publications yourself. After 6 months without an active subscription, the account and all of its data will be removed from our servers.

Updated on: 08/02/2023