Articles on: General questions (f.a.q.)

Hosting availability & downtime

A web host, or web hosting service provider, provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed on the Internet. Publications are hosted or stored, on special computers called servers. When problems occur with the availability of our dashboard or publication servers, we are automatically alerted by our partners. Our technical partners (Amazon Web Services - EU Based, Frankfurt) are transparent in their communications. They guarantee a minimum of 99,99%. 


Unfortunately, there are a few times where it can go potentially wrong when the servers are down for a couple of minutes or even hours. Sudden downtime (outside) can be caused by multiple issues: either something is going wrong at our side (in our code or server configuration) or there is an issue at the technical side of our Hosting & CDN partners. 

Notification & status update

In case of problems, we notify the status through our website (located in a different hosting facility) as well as through our other communication channels. This only applies when problems are taking longer than 15 minutes.

We always try to indicate with a status update how long it will take until the problem is resolved. In reality, our partners often assume and communicate with As soon as possible. With such a failure on this kind of worldwide used CDN/Hosting platforms, many clients rely on this status, therefore it is important for them to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Note: when problems last longer than 30 minutes during workdays/working hours (9:00 – 18:00 CET) we notify all Maglr users through mail.

Planned activities that involve potential downtime are communicated two weeks in advance by e-mail.

Updated on: 08/02/2023