Articles on: General questions (f.a.q.)

Technology & browser requirements


Our Maglr platform is an application that is written with a PHP backend/MySQL database and is linked to an ObjectStore/CDN, for the storage of all the data. Front-end goes through a JS/Nodes shell that communicates with a central API. 

Browser requirements

To use the Maglr dashboard, we advise the usage of Chrome (Google) browser or the most recent 2020 Edge (Microsoft) version. These are by far the best performing browsers. If this is not possible you can use IE11/Edge, or recent versions of Firefox (Mozilla) and Safari (Apple). To work in the Maglr dashboard, we advise a resolution of 1920x1080. The system will report when the screen is too small. 

Prefered requirements: Chrome or Microsoft Edge (2020+) browsers with a screen resolution of 1920x1080.

Online publications that are made with Maglr can be viewed in:

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Recent versions of Firefox (Microsoft) or Safari (Apple)

Maglr publications are responsive, meaning that a required screen resolution is not applicable or mandatory. You will receive a notification if your webbrowser is too old and needs to be updated. For example, Internet Explorer (IE)9,10,11 are too old to show the newly design techniques such as animations or the layering of certain web elements.

Updated on: 21/01/2025