CDN network & back-ups
A content delivery network, or content distribution network (CDN), is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centres. The goal is to provide high availability and performance by distributing the service spatially relative to end-users.
The published content is hosted in Frankfurt EU (AWS) and distributed worldwide with the help of a CDN (Cloudflare). This ensures that your publication can be accessed quickly all over the world. For example, a visitor from Australia downloads the publication content from a local server nearby.
Publications can be secured at any time with a password or excluded from a CDN network. This way any sensitive files within a publication remains on one server (location: Amsterdam) and can only be accessed with a password.
The maximum amount of data you can use depends on the type of license. With each license version, it's possible to upgrade the data traffic.
The original (uploaded) data, is always saved on our hosting location (Europe).
Temporary data is saved on multiple servers (CDN) across the world.
There is an option to publish without using the CDN. Content will be directly shown from the hosting location.
Content (uploaded data & generated published data within our Maglr platform) is backed up daily with a retention of 7 days. A complete back-up occurs once per week. Inside both editors, there is a separate back-up function available for users. When a user makes a mistake, the user is able to extract 20 older versions of his project.

It is possible to create a back-up once per month with data that goes back to 6 months. In case Maglr needs to extract data from an older back-up, extra costs will be charged because this task can take a few hours to complete. Contact when you need to extract data from your back-ups.
CDN network
The published content is hosted in Frankfurt EU (AWS) and distributed worldwide with the help of a CDN (Cloudflare). This ensures that your publication can be accessed quickly all over the world. For example, a visitor from Australia downloads the publication content from a local server nearby.
Publications can be secured at any time with a password or excluded from a CDN network. This way any sensitive files within a publication remains on one server (location: Amsterdam) and can only be accessed with a password.
The maximum amount of data you can use depends on the type of license. With each license version, it's possible to upgrade the data traffic.
The original (uploaded) data, is always saved on our hosting location (Europe).
Temporary data is saved on multiple servers (CDN) across the world.
There is an option to publish without using the CDN. Content will be directly shown from the hosting location.
Content (uploaded data & generated published data within our Maglr platform) is backed up daily with a retention of 7 days. A complete back-up occurs once per week. Inside both editors, there is a separate back-up function available for users. When a user makes a mistake, the user is able to extract 20 older versions of his project.

Extract data from old back-up
It is possible to create a back-up once per month with data that goes back to 6 months. In case Maglr needs to extract data from an older back-up, extra costs will be charged because this task can take a few hours to complete. Contact when you need to extract data from your back-ups.
Updated on: 08/02/2023