Hide, rotate or show specific pages
When you create and publish a publication in Maglr you have a default order of pages. Everyone visiting this publication will see the same amount of pages in the specified order.
What if you would like to personalise the pages per segment or visitor. Maybe through a mailing or segmented embed code. You could create multiple versions of a publication in Maglr, what would be a lot of work. By adding the extra URL parameters to you standard publication URL you have the option to modify the result directly per user or segment.
If you would like to randomize/rotate the position of specific pages in your publication you can use the rotate parameter in your URL string. The position of the pages inside your publication will stay the same, but the content of the page will be rotated between the multiple positions inside the publication. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma seperated).
If you would like to hide a page for a specific user or maybe a group of users you can add the skip parameter. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma separated).
In the example above, the page (the one with the mountains) is not available anymore.
A different way around is that you only would like to show specific pages. In this version all pages (now and future added pages in your publication) will be hidden. Only the pages added in the URL parameter will be shown. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma seperated).
It's possible to combine the adobe parameters. In the example below, we hide the first page and rotate page 2 and 3. Combining the show and skip option is not possible.
In the above options you can add the SpreadID or Reference name to hide, show or rotate specific pages. You can find the spreadID in the dashboard when editing the page, or in the preview when visiting the page. The first ID in the URL parameter is the unique IssueID, the second parameter the unique page number called SpreadID.

By clicking on the wrench icon in the pages overview you can edit the page settings. Here you have the option to fill in the Reference name. You use a reference name if pages are sometimes changing. In case you would delete a page, the SpreadID is gone. If you are using Reference names, and a page is deleted, you can give the new added page the old reference name. In the published result your specific selection will stay the same.

Keep in mind: once a URL is used we save these settings in the session of the browser. After a browser is restarted all settings are cleared again.
What if you would like to personalise the pages per segment or visitor. Maybe through a mailing or segmented embed code. You could create multiple versions of a publication in Maglr, what would be a lot of work. By adding the extra URL parameters to you standard publication URL you have the option to modify the result directly per user or segment.
Rotate pages
If you would like to randomize/rotate the position of specific pages in your publication you can use the rotate parameter in your URL string. The position of the pages inside your publication will stay the same, but the content of the page will be rotated between the multiple positions inside the publication. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma seperated).
Hide pages
If you would like to hide a page for a specific user or maybe a group of users you can add the skip parameter. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma separated).
In the example above, the page (the one with the mountains) is not available anymore.
Only show specific pages
A different way around is that you only would like to show specific pages. In this version all pages (now and future added pages in your publication) will be hidden. Only the pages added in the URL parameter will be shown. You can choose to use the SpreadID or Reference name of a page. Multiple page values are possible (comma seperated).
Combine the different URL parameter options
It's possible to combine the adobe parameters. In the example below, we hide the first page and rotate page 2 and 3. Combining the show and skip option is not possible.
Where can I find the SpreadID or Reference ?
In the above options you can add the SpreadID or Reference name to hide, show or rotate specific pages. You can find the spreadID in the dashboard when editing the page, or in the preview when visiting the page. The first ID in the URL parameter is the unique IssueID, the second parameter the unique page number called SpreadID.

By clicking on the wrench icon in the pages overview you can edit the page settings. Here you have the option to fill in the Reference name. You use a reference name if pages are sometimes changing. In case you would delete a page, the SpreadID is gone. If you are using Reference names, and a page is deleted, you can give the new added page the old reference name. In the published result your specific selection will stay the same.

Keep in mind: once a URL is used we save these settings in the session of the browser. After a browser is restarted all settings are cleared again.
Updated on: 08/02/2023