Articles on: Share & analyse

Update metadata for Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

The links below are tools that are being used when you want to see what a shared post will look like across a social media platform. But when you would like to update changes in links, that are already shared across networks, these pages also come in handy. 




Note: we will use Facebook as an example for this article.

Embedding a post is very easy, most sites allow a user to go to a post or profile and copy the embed code from there, which can then be pasted into a website or even publication.

Some websites update their embeds automatically, some need to be updated. Using the tools in the links above, you can preview how the post will be shown and keep the embed updated with new information, based on metadata it retrieves.

The 'Scrape Again' options in the Facebook tool allows Facebook to update/retrieve the new information from the link you provide and then update the post visually from the same screen. Keep in mind this functionality only works for Twitter and Facebook. If you make any adjustments for Linkedin or Google, it could be that you have to wait for a few days until the scraper is retrieving your new updates' metadata.

Updated on: 08/02/2023