Articles on: Share & analyse

Event tracking in Maglr publications

Our platform is tracking all sorts of events, depending on the user behaviour inside a page or navigation environment. Downloads, link clicks, form submissions and video plays are all examples of actions you might want to analyse as Events. These events are used for our local dashboard statistics, as well as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager (datalayer). Events are measured in all publication types: Publications, Single pages and embeds.

Note: in the context of Google Analytics, an event is the user's interaction/activity with a webpage that is being tracked. That also applies when people are interacting with a Maglr publication. Events can be seen by default in our internal dashboard statistics, or queried when using a custom Google Analytics or Tag Manager integration.

In order to track all events within your own Google reports, you need to

Do nothing, only use our internal dashboard statistics
Integrate your Google Analytics
Integrate Google Tag Manager and configure Analytics with the GTM datalayer

Below we will give you an overview of all the events that are automatically tracked within a Maglr publication and its interface. For are complete reference, read our developer documentation.

Interaction events inside a page

A list of the type of events are tracked within a page of a publication:
Opening another layer or element within a page
Clicking on an internal or external link
Triggering a scroll animation within a page
Opening or closing a popup
Scroll depth within a page
Viewing of a video or clicking the play/stop/pause button
Play sound
Submit a form
Controlling slideshows

Interaction events in the surrounding environment

Below is a list of what type of event examples are tracked within the navigation environment of a publication:
Navigate to the overview
Opening the side menu
Back to the previous page in selection (in case of internal links)
Open the side menu to search or share the publication
Switching languages
Keywords users are searching for within a publication
Amount of people subscribing for the publication
Amount of visitors activating the push notifications (New)
Amount of PDF versions downloaded (additional module)
Opening, closing and submitting of '[gated content](/en/article/configure-a-content-gate-1najvsr/)' overlays

Note: for deeper insights on how events work within Google Analytics and Tag Manager, please refer to this Google Tag Manager page we created.

Anatomy of Events

An event has the following components. An event hit includes a value for each component, and these values are displayed in your reports.


A category is a name to group objects that are tracked. Typically, the same category name is used multiple times in a report to refer to a similar group of objects such as video, form, popup, link, scroll depth and more.


The action parameter is used to name the type of event or interaction you want to measure for a particular web object. For example, with a single "Videos" category, you can analyse a number of specific events with this parameter, such as pause, play, mute or stop.


With labels, you can provide additional information for events that you want to analyse, such as movie titles in videos, or the names of publication elements or even downloaded files. Examples are name element, video type, pdf and more.
In the case of Google Tag Manager, these events are added to the ‘dataLayer’. Here we added the word ‘maglr’ in combination with a separate event, telling where the event originated from. For example:

event: maglrUserEvent
maglrCategory : Video
maglrAction : Play
maglrLabel : Testplayer - Youtube - JD3SD

More information about this topic can be found in our developer documentation.

Updated on: 08/02/2023