Articles on: Settings & configurations

Manage your fonts

When creating a project in Maglr, we want to give you the full ability to choose which fonts you would like to use. In addition to the standard fonts, it is also possible to add additional fonts to your projects.

This can be done by choosing fonts from the Google Fonts library or even upload custom fonts that you have created or purchased.

Google Fonts is a library of 980 free licensed font families, an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for conveniently using the fonts everywhere on the web.

Adding Google Fonts

While in the Maglr dashboard, hover over settings and click fonts. You will be directed to the font settings where you can either add, delete or disable Google fonts. Scroll down to see how you can upload custom fonts.

Image: adding Google fonts to Maglr

From here you can add new Google fonts to your existing list of added fonts, as well as remove or disable fonts you don't need from the selected list. Simply use the search bar to find your desired fonts. Then click on the tick boxes to the left of the fonts that you want to add to your selected list and click the add font button to add it to the list. This will then refresh the dashboard and the list of fonts you selected should be added to the selected list, ready for you to use inside the editors when making publication.

Uploading custom fonts

You can also add your own custom fonts by clicking the upload custom fonts tab at the top of the interface, next to the Google Fonts tab.

Image: uploading a custom font to Maglr

From this interface, simply click the Choose File button. This will then open your Finder/Explorer. From here you can search and navigate to your custom fonts and select them from your computer. Click the Upload Font button to upload your custom font to our servers, which you can then use freely on all projects within the editors.

Updated on: 08/02/2023