Articles on: Settings & configurations

Edit domain settings

You can set up which publications should be shown on each domain via the domain filters. You can apply domain filters via the pencil icon next to each domain name under the domain names section in the dashboard settings.

Image: editing the domain settings in the Maglr dashboard

Whether you are creating a new domain or adjusting an existing domain, there are several options available. All possible options are explained below:

Use domain for publication type

Choose which publication types should be published to the specific domain. You can apply several options:

Primary domain: this means that all publications of any type are published to this domain
Publication: meaning that only publications are published to this domain
Micro content: meaning that only microcontent is published to this domain

Secure your domain name

This option allows you to secure all projects that are available on this domain name. Secure this domain with a manual password or integrate our auto login feature. You can also apply an IP filter, meaning that the domain will only be accessible via a specified IP address.

You can also secure single projects. Click here for more information about this option.

Note: IP filter domain security is only available with a Maglr Enterprise license.

Choose the projects to show

This filter determines which specific projects are published to this domain. If you activate the overview page (see next step), it will show these projects in the overview. There are four possible options:

Show all projects of the type: this option displays all projects of the publication type you have selected in the first step. This means that people can view multiple publications from one single domain.
Show one project: this option allows you to select one single publication to be published to this specific domain. After selecting this option, another drop-down menu will appear where you can choose the specific publication.
Show all projects within one or multiple categories: choose which categories you want to publish to this domain via the tick boxes. This option gives you the opportunity to display only those publications that are listed in one or multiple categories on this domain.
Show all projects created by a user: display publications on this domain that are created by a specific user that is connected to the Maglr account. Selecting this option will activate a drop-down menu with all existing usernames to choose from.

Activate overview

This option lets you decide where visitors are directed to when visitors navigate to the general URL used. Several options are available:

Show the most recent project of selected filter: this option always redirects a viewer to the most recent publication that was published to this domain. Every time you publish a new publication live, this URL will display this new publication.
Show a specific project of the above filter: out of the projects you have chosen in the previous step, you can select a specific project to show on this URL.
Show a specific page of of the above filter: out of the projects you have chosen in the previous step, you can select a specific project and page to show on this URL.
Show the overview page with all projects: this enables the overview page, displaying a separate page from which viewers can navigate to all projects that are published to this domain.

Note: only active publications will appear and be accessible on this domain.

Updated on: 15/01/2025