Embedding external code
What type of code can I add?
It is possible to add several different types of code into your project:
HTML: For embedding content, such as a website, that shows different elements based on what is placed inside the HTML, such as titles, texts, and tables.
CSS: This is for colour and formatting of other code, controlling how things look such as HTML and changing it based on the code inside of CSS.
JavaScript/Js: For when you want to add certain elements with a more advanced animation feel. Also used for adding more complex elements.
If you do not know much about coding, then we recommend sticking to the possibility of embedding websites through the URL link. Don't use the code if you do not know what you're doing.
How do I embed code?
You can embed code using the Pro Editor through the Add section on the left side of the editor and click on the embed element. From here you then go to the elements properties panel and select the options from there. Learn more about embedded content in the Pro editor.
For experienced users you can use the embed code option, directly pasting your code into the box, or using the file from which you select the file you have uploaded to our servers.
For less experienced users, we recommend using the website URL option to simply fill in the URL of a website to add an entire framed website. Choose 'other elements to then create other such embeds as videos, images, and audio.
Updated on: 08/02/2023