Articles on: Create, publish & manage

Slide publications

Slide publications are interactive publications with a horizontally oriented page navigation. This type of publication can be used with both the Block and Pro editors and is proved to be a great publication type to create digital magazines, annual reports, presentations or product brochures.

In order to start working on a slide publication, create a new project and choose the slide publication option, or convert an existing project to this publication type. Click here to see how you can convert an existing project.

Setting up page behaviour

All pages in a slide publication are included in the navigation menu. Viewers use this menu to navigate through the publication. However, you might not always want your pages to show up in this navigation. This might be the case when you would like to provide a user with more product information when clicking a certain button on a page of the publication. To determine the behaviour of your pages, take the following steps:

First, go to the page overview of your project. Select and drag your pages underneath the main page, in order to convert them to 'subpages'. 

Image: creating subpages in Maglr

Now you will see a drop-down menu appear, through which you can decide how these subpages should behave when someone is viewing your publication. When clicking this, a window with the following options will appear:

Show these pages in default navigation: with this option, your viewer will not notice the fact that there are subpages in the publication, and will slide through each page as they would with a normal page. As the option already states, these pages are only displayed as subpages in the page overview.
Hide sub-level in main navigation: this will make the pages appear hidden to your viewer when reading the publication, and will also not show when horizontally navigating through the publication. To make these pages appear, you would need to manually create links to them from inside the editor. Maglr automatically places a close button on these subpages, directing the viewer back to the main page.

Image: set-up sub navigation in Maglr

Designing the navigation menu

To design the way your viewers scroll through your publications, go to the navigation environment settings in the dashboard and click the pencil icon to edit the navigation environment of your publications. Next, go to the navigation tab. Here you will see a tab for all of the different publication types that contain a navigation environment. Go to the slide publication tab to edit the navigation environment for this publication type. Settings you change here will then be applied to all underlying slide publications in this navigation environment.

Image: navigation menu options in Maglr

Updated on: 08/02/2023