Sharing your project
Share a temporary preview link
You have the option to create a temporary preview link so you are able to show your inactive project to other people. Creating a preview link is pretty easy. In order to create a preview link, you have to publish your inactive project first. On the left side of the dashboard, you can click on Share project where a menu will appear with the temporary preview link. With this link, you can give someone temporary access to an inactive project for review.Few readersAccess mobile preview with QR codes
In order to quickly access the mobile version of a project, you can now create a QR code so that you only need to scan the code to view it on a mobile device. To create a QR code, you need to go to the project page overview or project settings and click on the QR code icon. Open your mobile phone's camera and scan the code to trigger to open the publication via the mobile's internet browser. Project Page Overview In the project page overview, you can access the QR code by clicking on the 'OFew readersShare a project with link
When your project is published and live, you are able to share your publication with a direct link. Click share project in the project's page overview to see a direct link you can copy and paste in your e-mail or chat program.Few readersShare publication by email
From our dashboard, it is possible to share your publication by email. Although it does not function to send it as a newsletter to multiple users, it allows you to send your publication to a single email address. First, click on the publication that you want to send via email from the Projects tab. Click the edit button on the project that you would like to share by email and open the Project Page Overview. On the left-hand side of the overview, click on Share project. This will popFew readersShare a single (extracted) page of your project
From our dashboard, it is possible to share a single page from your publication without its navigation interface. First, click on the publication from where you want to share a single page in the Projects tab. Click the edit button of the project and open the Project Page Overview. On the left-hand side of the overview, click on Share project. This will pop up a window with multiple functions for sharing your publication and click Link single page. Image: retrieving the link tFew readers
Embed your project
Embedding your project
Maglr offers extensive possibilities to embed a project within an external website. The method of embedding a project within a website depends entirely on the type of publication. You can embed the entire publication (where you need navigation controls), or choose a single formatted page that fits seamlessly into the layout of your website. Multi-page embed (publication) Embed the entire publication with all of its pages. This includes tPopularEmbed a single page
By embedding a single page, we extract the specific page from the Maglr project (without its navigation environment) and place this inside an external website. This can be done using webcomponents or iFrames (depricated). The way this page is shown depends on the type of design you have created. For example: is it just an infographic that needs to be added inside a blog article? Or is the project designed as a fullscreen page? These steps areSome readersEmbed a multi-page publication
Besides embedding a single page, you can also choose to embed a complete publication with several pages within a website. This embed contains the navigation environment to navigate through the different pages. If you choose to place such an embed within an existing website, it is important to think about the ease of use. A website itself already scrolls vertically. If you place an embed with multiplFew readersAutomatic inject with webcomponents
The standard option to embed something into your website is using iFrames. It's the same technique YouTube is using for embedding videos. The big advantage: the embedded content is 'separated' from the website itself. If content inside an iFrame is causing problems or errors, it doesn't affect the main page. The downside of an iFrame is the fact that search engines don't really like them. Accessibility is not working as expected and when you design a page with complex scroll animations there iFew readersOverlay embed
Like explained in the multi-page embed article, embedding a complete publication fullscreen within a website could cause usability problems. The scroll behaviour of the website can conflict with the scroll of the embedded publication, causing a visitor to leave the page as quick as possible. Image: embed options in Maglr To overFew readersAnalyse embed statistics
When Google Analytics is activated in your navigation environment, the underlying published embeds for this domain will also use the same tracking code. Each embed using an iFrame (this is not the case for the inject version) is collecting and measuring data. Analytics In Google Analytics, you can recognise these embeds on their unique page URLs ( This is the same code that is used inside the embed code. Using this code/hash, you can create filters inside the GoFew readersStart iFrame scrolling into view (Plugin)
When you have created one or multiple embeds of a long scrolling page that contain timed animations, you might see a problem. The animations inside the embed could have already started, even before they appear on screen. By default, an iFrame loaded through our embed code is starting directly. This could depend on the type of browser, as Google Chrome is getting more intelligent and only loads the content when it appears on screen (but is not always consistent). Plugin To solve this probleFew readers
Gated content
Configure a content gate
Maglr offers multiple options to secure projects at different levels. This can be done with a password, a secret link or via oAuth. You can also partially secure a project, forcing a viewer to identify themselves in order to make the entire publication available. This feature is called gated content, mostly used for lead generation when distributing content like white papers, premium articles and magazines ( readersContent gate with form
In this variant of a content gate we place a layer over a publication containing a form. You can build this form in different ways with our forms module and determine when this form has to appear. You can also determine whether the form is mandatory or if it can be closed without registering. The purpose of this module is to use your publications to acquire leads via your the data of your viewers. This is only possible if the information in the document is interesting and/or useful enouFew readersContent gate with pro page
With a Pro content gate you are, just like the standard variant, able to place a form over the publication. If you have additional information or campaign material that you want to show next to the form, you can do so via a separate micro content project. The Pro content gate allows you to design a page in the Pro editor that is superimposed on the publication, together with the form. This can be a transparent fullscreen page or scrolling long read. Like the form option, you can stilFew readersGated publication behind a landing page
A third option is not to partially release the publication, but to shield it completely with a separate landing page. After completing the form on this landing page, the visitor will be redirected to the intended publication. This can be a redirect to a secure link or a publication with a secret URL. Depending on the form used (Maglr form or integrated form with Hubspot, Pardot, Mailchimp or Marketo) you can also send the link to the underlying publication through their automation e-mails.Few readersMeasure content gate
When using a content gate, additional events are measured within Google Analytics or sent to the datalayer for Google Tag Manager. With these events you can see how the content gate is performing. The events below are fired: Gate-activated: fired when the content gate is shown on screen. This will be measured per publication. Gate-closed-manually: when it is possible for a user to manually close the content gate, this event is sent when the user clicks the close buttFew readersGated content f.a.q.
How secure is a content gate? A content gate is a low level security feature. Do not use this functionality for important documents, as we offer more advanced security features for these situations. We partially open the information to search engines and close some pages (depending on your content gate configuration) for the viewer. By choosing this configuration, very clever developers know how to hack the document and extract the content. We have deliberately chosen this setup. How cFew readers
SEO & social share metadata
Maglr and SEO
An interactive publication created in Maglr needs to engage, inform or convert its readers. The way in which companies are using Maglr is very different. In most cases, they send their publications and content to their customers (outbound). Content in the form of customer magazines, annual reports or staff magazines that are shared with a specific target audience via email, social media or intranet (public or secure). Another approach is to share your specific content and knowledge and attractSome readersSetup the correct metadata
Creating the right metadata for your publications will help tell your users what your publication is about. The title tag and meta description are HTML attributes that provide a short preview of a Maglr project and its pages. The page titles and descriptions will appear in the search query when a published project is shown or when it is shared as a separate link on social media. The content of this preview is normally automatically filled based on the content of a page. But you have the abilitySome readersShare directly from dashboard
Open your project and select the option Share project in the left panel of the dashboard. In this screen you have multiple ways to share a project. Keep in mind to activate the project first, otherwise it's not possible to publicly share your content. Image: post the publication to your socials from the project sharing settings TFew readersUpdate metadata for Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn
The links below are tools that are being used when you want to see what a shared post will look like across a social media platform. But when you would like to update changes in links, that are already shared across networks, these pages also come in handy. Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: httFew readersLet viewers share your publication
A viewer who is reading your publication can also receive the option to share. In the navigation environment settings, there are multiple ways to activate share options. The button in the side menu will activate a panel, giving viewers different methods to share the page with others. Image: enable the social share tab in the side menu through the navigation environment settingsFew readers
Insights in statistics
Statistics with Maglr
Statistics are automatically measured for every project you publish in Maglr. Statistics consist of pageviews and user interactions (events). Statistics are measured after a project is set live and can be viewed via the dashboard. Simple statistics within our dashboard Internal module within the dashboard where we show the performance of a project in a simplified overview. How do you read the statistics from our dashboardFew readersUnderstanding the Dashboard Statistics
Once you have created and shared your publication, you obviously want to know how it is performing in terms of visited pages, time per session and interactions. It is important to know what your audience likes to read and view. To determine the success of online publications, we have created a standard analytics dashboard that will visualize the data so that you can analyze the metrics quick & easy.Some readersEvent tracking in Maglr publications
Our platform is tracking all sorts of events, depending on the user behaviour inside a page or navigation environment. Downloads, link clicks, form submissions and video plays are all examples of actions you might want to analyse as Events. These events are used for our local dashboard statistics, as well as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager (datalayer). Events are measured in all publication types: Publications, Single pages and embeds.Some readersCreate custom selections with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is one of the most used website statistic apps but it can be hard to find the information you are looking for. In this article, we will explain the basics so you know exactly how many people visited your publication and where these visitors came from. But first you have to make sure that you have integrated Google Analytics into your Maglr account.Few readersConnect Maglr events with Google Tag Manager
When you have linked GTM with Maglr, you are able to add code to a publication or forward data from a publication to external tools. This document explains how to forward event information from a Maglr publication, using the Google Tag Manager data layer, to a third-party application. In this example we use Google Analytics but the same concept can be applied to other systems where you want to forward events from Maglr. We are going to install: Google Analytics listening to pageviews and viFew readersConnect Maglr to Hubspot (via GTM)
Google Tag Manager can be used to set up all types of custom codes and integrations for your Maglr publications. This allows you to forward specific statistics & viewer data directly to Hubspot. Hubspot tracking code First, you have to add the 'Hubspot tracking code' to your GTM environment. This will allow you to track the visitors of your Maglr publications. Copy the code below and replace the hubId with your own unique 'Hubspot Hub ID'.Few readersFire GTM triggers on element visibility
All projects, pages, scenes & elements will receive a specific ‘id’ when they’re published to a live URL with Maglr. You can use GTM then to fire triggers based on these element ID’s in order to track actions, such as: Scene views Element views Specific scroll depth Pop-ups clicked Finding Scene & Element ID's In order to retrieve these ID's, we need to dive into the HTML-code of our project. The 'section ID' in the HTML code represents your scenes, while anything from 'imgFew readersTrack embed events with GTM (inside your website)
With Maglr, it is possible to embed separate pages or complete publications into your corporate website. Using Analytics or GTM inside the iFrame When using a Maglr page or publication as embed, regular tracking (through our global statistics or custom GTM / analytics code) will still work. The pageviews will be different, because the publication is running on a different iFrame domain ( CODE ). The code inside this URL is unique per embed, and all interaction events are atFew readers
Export & sync your projects
Downloading your project as a PDF (Pro only)
A Maglr publication is an interactive web document that lives on a url. Therefore, it’s format is not directly translatable to a PDF if you consider that it can contain elements like multimedia, animations, pop ups, forms, and so on. Similarly, you would not save a website as a PDF. For Pro pages, we were able to create a solution that (to an extent) can convert your Maglr publication to a static PDF export. Essentially, the system takes screenshots of your publication and combines thesSome readersDownload your publication as ZIP
A publication set up with Maglr is hosted by default on the servers of the Maglr platform. During construction, you upload the various assets and merge them into an interactive project. With an annual license it is possible to download and host these publications yourself. For this we offer different export options, depending on how you want to use the publication. If you run an annual Maglr license, you will see the option to download the project in the project settings. Export to ZIP is oSome readersSync to local server
For a one-time export of a project for backup purposes, the ZIP export function is a way to place the project on a local environment or back-up storage. If you create several projects per month, or if you have no knowledge of FTP software, the export option is a time-consuming detour. We offer the synchronisation solution for Enterprise organisations that would like to host content on their own server. From the page overview you can pFew readers
Special URL functions
Track visitors with UTM codes
Using UTM codes allows you to track the sources that generate traffic. By tagging your publication URLs with UTM codes, you can get a good understanding of how your visitors interact with your publication. UTM parameters are five tags that you can add to the end of the URLs of your publication or an external link inside your publication. When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, it allows analytics soSome readersScroll to scene or element by URL
From the dashboard it is possible to request a direct link to a page within a publication. If you want to navigate your audience directly to a scene or element within a page via a shareable link, you have to manually create a direct link. Link to scene If you are using the Pro editor, it is likely that you divide a page into scenes. With a click action in the page itself, you already have the option to link a visitor directly to the specific scene. To achieve the same effect wiFew readersHide, rotate or show specific pages
When you create and publish a publication in Maglr you have a default order of pages. Everyone visiting this publication will see the same amount of pages in the specified order. What if you would like to personalise the pages per segment or visitor. Maybe through a mailing or segmented embed code. You could create multiple versions of a publication in Maglr, what would be a lot of work. By adding the extra URL parameters to you standard publication URL you have the option to modify the reFew readersAutoplay pages in kiosk mode
A presentation or publication normally consists of several pages which can be navigated manually. With the function below it is possible too loop through these pages automatically. A function that can be used for banner formats or even presentations during summits/fairs. In this kiosk mode, the publication is cycling through the pages in a loop. The time in between is separately adjustable. You can activate this function by adding the extra parameter below to the URL. Autoplay within a stFew readersPersonalise texts through URL parameters
With the Personalise module we offer multiple solutions to further personalise your publications. This module allows you for example to replace specific texts and images inside your page. You can create variables in your text and replace these with values shared through URL parameters. Below you can see an example where the name is replaced. If no variable is available, a fallback text is used. Click here to learn more about our Personalise module (/en/article/content-personalisation-in-maFew readers